This is a cropped panel from WRECK issue #1.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
A cropped drawing of one of the pages from WRECK issue #1. This pose took me so long to get. I just wasn't used to drawing from this perspective, so I was constantly erasing. But with determination and many brakes I got it pretty close to what I wanted. I have come to the realization that I can only draw at my skill level, because I can usually see the drawing better in my head than I can actually draw. My goal in life is to switch this, so I draw better than my imagination. Which will probably never happen, but if I think like that I have no choice but to become a better artist.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Here is Shine's costume, I wanted him to look like a galactic Ken from Street Fighter, I think I succeeded.
J.H. Williams III
I love his comic art, because it is so different and creative. He does these crazy page layouts that are breathtaking as well as effective storytelling.
Gabriel Rodriguez
I love his line weight and how he uses it to create these three dimensional characters that pop right off the page.
I love the way this artist uses simple lines, color and texture to create these amazing prints. He makes these superheroes seem less comic book like and more like graphic design.
Andrew Spear
He is one of the local artist in Orlando and he obviously loves lines, he uses beautiful crosshatching to create these giant Pop Art murals.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Im done with the costume and ready to design the first Villian. I hope all of this planing is worth it, I feel like I should of started pages like a week ago. But this is what the professionals recommend, so Im taking my time and preparing everything carefully so I don't shoot myself in the foot later on.
It was very difficult to come up with an original costume, that was also practicle in every situation. For example; does his costume look good from the back, will it make since if someone jumps on his back, will it work with wind in ANY direction, can he move his arms up and down, can he hang up side down, is it reasonably simple to draw over and over again, does he look like any current characters, does the costume fit the genre of the story, and could it be made in real life, for cosplay and movies. These are all the questions I asked myself when designing his costume. I think I came up with something really awesome and iconic. I wish I could show you, but I should probably copy right him first.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Now I'm Ready to design his costume. So far he's coming out bad ass, I can't wait for you guys to see him in action.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I finally did it after like 3 hours. The comic book paper helped a lot because of the rulered paper and the thick bristol board. It took a lot of planning, measuring and erasing.
WOW, this is a lot harder than I thought. To create a 360 view of a character using lines is very difficult. If you don't set measurements and reference points its almost guarnteed to come out looking different. The slightest line out of place can make your character look too old, too young or even a different race. The bottom one is crooked but I almost got it, I think I'm ready to try it bigger on some comic paper.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Hello everyone! I'm currently working on my first comic book. It's been over a year since I last attempted to make a full length comic book. I think the reason was my lack of confidence when it came to my art skills. I always felt like I wasn't ready to make a comic book, I always felt like I needed more practice. Truth be told, I've been practicing my whole life, I've decided this year no more practicing, only create finished work whether I like it or not. I've realized over the years that my art work will never be perfect, but what it can be is consistent.
So far the comic book has been going well, no I haven't actually started any pages yet , but I have a story written by me and my good friend Charles Sutter, and I finished the majority of the thumbnails. The only thing that I haven't quite figured out is exactly what every character is going to look like, especially the main character. I'm trying to design someone that has distinct character, someone you can instantly recognize like Superman. The problem I seem to have is that he doesn't have a mask, so I'm having trouble creating a good face that's not too generic. I've always been good at creating bad ass looking characters full of confidence and testosterone. With this character he's not so bad ass, he doesn't always win and he doesn't always do the right thing. He puts me in the mind of Peter Parker because he's not invincible but he has his bad ass moments.